
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Reality Thursday -- Packing and the Office

I'm linking to Claudia's Reality Thursday blog --

check it out here --  http://mockingbirdhillcottage.blogspot.com

Last week I had started pulling out a few things to pack for our upcoming trip and this week the pile continues to grow.

The fun will be when I try to put all this in those two little suitcases!  Maybe if I leave those open suitcases there long enough the clothes in the closet will migrate into them when I'm not looking!

The other side of this little room is my office.  I try to keep it neat with everything in its place; it's just that I have too much of everything!

When I want to make sure I remember to do something next time I'm in the office or on the computer I leave it on top of the computer -- looks like I need to get to work here.

I really do clean this up on a regular basis but it just seems to grow all over again -- wish my flower garden would do the same.

That's my "real world" -- make it a great day!



  1. I have the same problem with my office. Too much stuff not enough desk. I'm looking for a solution.

  2. Thanks for the peek into your real world. Wouldn't it be nice if everything packed itself? I never look forward to packing - or unpacking for that matter.

    Since I don't have a desk, per se, I have little notes everywhere! And they multiply, just like yours.

    Have a great day.


  3. So true, my desk(s) are piled, sorted, stacked, moved about, re-done, cleared off and repeat.
    - Joy

  4. Found you through Mockingbird Hill. Love your blog set up - very clear, peaceful colors, great photos and love your writing. I'm following you.
    - Joy

  5. My DH took over the 'office' here which was also my creative/sewing room! THEN, he couldn't stop and grabbed the kitchen table too - go visit my post for details!!!!

    Like you, I to am in the throes of packing so have that mess yet to share on an upcoming Reality Thursday. Hope you have a fun trip - and remember we all take too much in those suitcases!


  6. Hello Other Ann,

    Now I DO NOT think you are packing too much stuff at all! My reminders are those post-it notes all over the place - and do I read them? Sometimes. Ann

  7. Oh, I know what you mean. If my gardens would grow like the mess in my house, I'd have more flowers than I would know what to do with.

    Great shots!

  8. Well, yes, but look how organized your piles on the bed are!! Maybe the same elves will pack for you as soon and they finish the ironing stuffed in my closet! Love, Linda

  9. I'm so enjoying seeing real life out there in blogland.
    What are great meme this is.
