
Monday, September 13, 2010


Pruning … The hot Arizona summer has taken its toll on my flower garden and it shows its wear. The last few mornings have been in the mid 60’s when I first awake and take my tea outside … chilly enough that I put a sweatshirt on! If you live in a cooler climate, as I did for most of my life, that seems strange; but if you spend your summer in temps of 100 – 110 for days on end, your body reacts to even the 70’s with a shiver. However, it’s a very welcome and refreshing shiver!

I took a look about the garden this morning and realized that some of the plants needed cutting back or they were going to die, so out came the shears and a few of the plants got a rather severe pruning. Since I’m one of those people who talk to my plants, especially when they’re not doing well, I unconsciously said to one of them as I finished cutting and was picking up the dead pieces, “I hope that helps you grow now”.

It reminded me that the Master Gardener does the same thing in my life. There are periods of time when He is at work pruning and cutting out the dead stuff in my life that is preventing my growth in Him. It’s not an easy process for me – or the plant – but one that is necessary if either of us is to put forth new growth.

So as you clean up your backyard garden, look for the things in your own life that God is at working pruning out so that you, too, can make more growth in Him and become all that He designed you to be. Be receptive to the Holy Spirit moving in you and respond to it with acceptance and look forward to seeing what new and exciting things are coming your way.

Happy Gardening and Blessings on your day, Ann

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ann, I love this post. My son Jake was a licensed horticulturist and gardening was his passion as he felt he truly was doing God's work when he was in the dirt and plants. He rarely charged his customers half way enough but he spoke to us so much of receiving way more than he deserved just by witnessing and sharing God's word with them. His customers became his extended family. You inspire me with your words. Thanks for your beautiful comments. Love, Mollye
