
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Yard Art

We were curious so we took a ride to Chloride -- an old mining town outside of the Kingman area.  It was a cold and windy day but we were told to go looking for their unique brand of yard art.  Ok, so this is different and I think anything goes!

What's left of an old wagon?

Pots and kettles ... 

An old stove and ?

An assortment of blue bottles ... 

Hmmm ... there's a gate so guess they're protecting their "stuff"

If you can't find your pot or skillet, look outside ... 

I'm not sure if all of this is planned chaos or just a place to put your extra stuff but it certainly is unique; and it was a fun day.



  1. Ah, Chloride. With a name like that, I think the yard art looks just perfect. Aren't some people fun (and yes, I do mean strange.)

  2. Oh I have seen this before, it really is quite different. Amazing how they have it all put together

    Thanks for the visit, yes I do believe in the power of prayer, and I am positive the Lord always hears all of yours also. We have been truly Blessed. Hugs, Marty
